
 The Silent Killer of Progress in Your Business & How To Instantly Fix It

The Silent Killer of Progress in Your Business & How To Instantly Fix It

Today, I'm going to be talking to you about the silent killer of progress in your business. The silent killer of progress in your life. This one simple, hidden thing is what trips up or slows down most business builders, most entrepreneurs and it means that you never reach your true capacity, right? You never get to where you should from a performance perspective, from a results perspective, from a business perspective, from a life perspective, right? And this one simple thing pushes across all aspects of your life. Your personal life, your business life and nailing this will absolutely change everything for you. And I know me, I used to suffer from this, and it wasn't until I got made conscious of it, and how to take the conscious actions to stop it from happening, that I started to see rapid acceleration in every area of my life. Whether it's personal life, whether it's in business life, whether it's in finances, wealth, health, whatever it might be.

Now, the concept that I'm talking about, the one thing that most people get held back from ever reaching their true potential, is the inability to make powerful, decisive decisions. Now, repeat that. I would say this is the biggest, the biggest thing in your life that you can have impact on easily, right? Every single day, and it will move the needle most forward in your business, like one of the most powerful hinges or levers in your life, right? In all things. So if you consciously absorb what I'm going to talk to you about today and try to focus on implementing this each and every day in your life, you will 10x, 50x, a 100x your life in all aspects, right? Now, the inability to make powerful decisive decisions, many, many people suffer from this and in essence, what does it mean? It might sound complex, but really what it means is you lack the ability to make a decisive decision. You lack the ability to make a decision in the moment, whether that's turn left or turn right, figuratively speaking.

You lack the ability to make a powerful decision in the moment and back yourself on it and not question it and not look back and most people lack the ability... It actually is a skill, right? Now, there's two things I'm going to take you through. The ability to make powerful decisive decisions, the ability to make powerful, instant decisions is a skill and it's something that has to be learnt and if you don't have that skill, it's because you've never learnt it and you need to focus on it and you need to be conscious of it and you need to take action on it every single day, 'cause every day, whether it's what are you going to have for breakfast? What are you going to have for lunch? What are you going to do in business? Are you going to do this? Are you going to do that? Are you going to hire that person? Are you going to fire that person? Are you going to bring on this client? Are you going to close that lead? Are you going to... Whatever it is, you will make like a thousand decisions per day.

Some very, very small ones, some very, very big ones. And some people, all people fall in a spectrum of the inability to make these decisions, right? And there's a thing called decision fatigue. Each day, the brain only has so much capacity to make decisions, and when you go into... When you learn about productivity and increasing your productivity and whatever it might be, a lot of productivity gurus talk about reducing the decisions you need to make each day. And that's why they say things like pre-plan what you're going to eat, plan out what you're going to have for dinner. At nighttime, put your clothes on your bed, whatever it might be because ultimately all of these little decisions, right? What shoes am I going to wear today? What clothes am we going to wear? How am I going to do my hair? What am going to have for breakfast? Is it an apple, or a banana, or an egg or da-da-da. What time am I going to get up? Am I going to drink a coffee or a tea?

All these little decisions, actually like you have at the start of the day, you have a cup, right? And every time you make a decision, when it's a big one or small and you sip from the cup, right? And that's why a lot of people say you should do your big, important stuff first thing in the morning. Why? Because by the end of the day, your cup's empty and you lack the, you have decision fatigue, right? And so if you do all your simple shit to start with in the day and you let all these little decisions pick at you, and then at the end of the day, you're like, all right, cool, now I'm free. I've done everything I need to do, all the little stuff. I've cleared the plate. Now I'm going to work on the big stuff. The important stuff. Let me tell you, they don't get done because you have decision fatigue.

And that's why the start of the day is the best time to have your big decisions and it's actually, the science behind it, this isn't BS like I said, there's productivity gurus, but I've even read books around the brain on how it works and literally when you go to sleep at night, how data and information is processed through your brain and how important sleep, quality sleep is, it allows you to wake up in the morning with like, you've got short term memories, long term memories. When you sleep all of the short terms move to the back to the long term and process there to free up the short term. So when you wake up in the morning, you're totally free. By the end of the day, it's full, right? So decision fatigue, one of the big things you should always do is instead of clearing the plate of little things and then thinking, ah, this afternoon, then I'll be free to do whatever I need to do. Do the big things first, right?

Point two, lacking the skill to make powerful decisive decisions, right? And this is something you need to work on day in day. It's something that I've had to work on right? Now, things come up, right? Is it, am I going to do this? Am I going to invest in that? Am I going to I've been researching this thing that I wanted to do, or I wanted to buy or whatever it might be for last week, two weeks, month, thinking about it, going to bed, thinking about waking up in the morning, thinking about it. Should I do it? Should I not do it right? That is draining. That is mentally draining and that is a sign that you lack the ability to make powerful decisive decisions and thinking about things is not doing, right? Now, I'm not saying never think, pull a trigger on everything, your life will crumble, right? But when you have big decisions, big, important decisions, whether it's hire the staff member, fire that person, move the business in this direction, whatever it might be, right? Big decisions, they should take you no longer than about 10, 20 minutes of thinking, right?

Soon as you've got your path, your plan, in all decisions, you generally have two options. You could turn left, you could turn right. Now, the worst thing to do, and where most people fall short is they get up to a decision and the figurative T in a section of turning left or turning, right, or the fork in the road, they sit there and they're like, Hmm, should I turn left? Maybe I should turn right? Mm, no, you know what? I thought before I should turn left, hang on a sec, or right doesn't look too bad and they end up doing nothing, right?

Now, the person who isn't able to make powerful, decisive decisions is able to go, mm. You know, I've thought about this. Look left, looks like the right path, worse case scenario I've mitigated my risks so if left isn't the right way, I can always backtrack and go right and I'll know quite quickly and the impact and the risk is not that high, like risk mitigation, boom. I'm going to pull the trigger and you're either going to pick the right path or worst case scenario, you pick the wrong path and you quickly adjust and then you're on the right path, right? Whereas the person, the thinker, the person that's kind of still at the starting blocks has done nothing, right?

And you can do that 10 times a day and the other person does nothing, right? And you got to think about, all right, if that was in your life and you were able to make fast, powerful decisions and not make a decision and go halfway down the road and think, oh, and then reverse back and then go forward again and reverse back again, right? Actually make a decision and go I'm bound to the outcome. I'm bound to the result. I'm going to see this through until I see specifically, not that I think, I see specifically it's the wrong path, I'll turn and if it's the right path, I'm just going to go full steam ahead, right? [inaudible 00:09:42] made, he completely agree, even after 25 years of smoking, it came down to a very powerful decision to decide to stop once and for all, cold Turkey, you haven't missed them since, now eight months later and that's amazing. Perfect, perfect, example, right?

Very important thing and I'm naturally an internal processor, an internal thinker. I don't talk out ideas or problems. I don't, like my business partner is an external thinker, he will talk things out with people, spitball stuff back and forth and then come out with this solution whereas I'm more of an internal thinker. I'll sit there and I'll think, and I'll think, I'll go to bed and I'll think about it, wake up in the morning, I'll think about it and it is a strength, but is a massive weakness as well and that's why it's something that I've had to consciously work on. I had mentors around this that made me conscious of it and the day that I became conscious of it, and the day that I said, you know what? For decisions that aren't really that risky, I'm going to pull... I'm going to have a short thing about it, I'm going to pull the trigger on something and move forward. And I'm going to back myself on it, right?

Now, as I said before, there's really two reasons for the inability to do this. One's the skill. Not having the skill and it is a trained skill, it's like a muscle, right? If you do not make quick decisive, big decisions, your muscle's weak, right? And you've got to do it day in and day out and the muscle gets stronger, you get better at it but two is a lot of people, fear is actually the real reason for indecisive action and not making decisions and going, Hmm, I really want to do this thing, but let me think, let me sleep on it and I wake up in the morning and then somehow in the morning, after sleeping on it, I'm going to see the light and make the best decision ever. And then you wake up the next day, you think something else about it and then you think go back to original thinking and you sleep on it again and again, and you end up doing nothing, right?

One is the lack of the skill to make decisions. So every single one of you, if you have this in your life, I want you to every day, be thinking every time a decision comes up, how can I make the quickest decision possible and back myself and move forward? Train up the muscle, right? And two, be honest with yourself. I would say 50% of the time, it's the skill and 50% of the time, it's actually fear masking itself, hiding itself. Fear of what happens if I fail? What happens if I make the wrong decision? What happens if I'm not good enough, right? Back yourself, because let me tell you, no one else is going to back you until you back yourself, right? I say to my clients all of the time, like if you don't believe in yourself and you don't believe in your service and how you can change lives, it is inauthentic and downright wrong to expect a prospect or a client to believe in you.

If you don't believe in yourself, you don't believe that you can change your prospect and client's life, it's wrong for you to ask your client or your prospect to hand over money to believe in you. You need to believe in yourself first before you can ask anyone else to believe in you, right? So be truthful yourself, recognises that the inability of the skill or you fearing the outcome of this action? And once you're conscious of it, you're able to take the right path and your life will change. So keep this top of mind today, this week, this month, really, really work on it and you'll see how you'll be shit, like everything's changed. I know since the day that I've decided to be conscious of it and work on that path, my life changed massively. So hopefully that helps, hopefully you all have an amazing week. That is it from me, we'll speak soon. Bye for now.

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