
How To Create A Growth 'Vacuum' In Your Business & How Its The MOST POWERFUL Concept In Business

How To Create A Growth 'Vacuum' In Your Business & How Its The MOST POWERFUL Concept In Business

Guys, what I wanted to talk to you about like I mentioned, is the concept, the phenomenon of vacuum. And vacuum plays a huge role in your life. It plays a huge role in your business and it's something that is top of mind. One of my students were talking about it in the group and it became top of mind. This is something that one of my first mentors, many, many years ago brought attention to myself. He gave me a couple of books to read about it and something that he used time and time and again to continually grow and predictably and consistently grow his business. But it can relate to all aspects of life. Now, vacuums, what are they? And by a vacuum, I don't mean the thing that you clean your house with or whatever it might be. By vacuum, I mean the concept of nothingness, the concept of nothingness. So vacuums don't exist in all aspects of life in the universe anyway.

Vacuums don't necessarily exist and if they do exist, they don't exist for long. Their whole purpose, vacuums whole purpose is to fill the vacuum with something with matter with whatever it might be. And I'll relate this back to, without going too scientific, I'll show you how this relates straight back to your life and then I'll show you how this relates to your business. And could either be constraining your growth, blocking or putting a ceiling to your growth in your business, or alternatively, you can use this and flip it on its head and help you grow your business consistently.

So first and foremost, how to relate it back into real life so it makes total sense. Now vacuums, when someone, for example, buys a new house if you're living in a smaller unit or whatever it might be, and you go and buy a bigger unit or you go buy a bigger house, where you have more space. Space is the vacuum. All of a sudden you were living in a smaller place. You had enough furniture, for example, or whatever it might be. This is the example I'm going to give because it's quite an easy one to understand.

Now, if you buy a bigger place, when you're in your smaller place, he had enough furniture, you have enough things to fill the space and make it feel full, but as soon as you buy a bigger place, all of a sudden, what's the next step that people do when they buy a bigger place? And they don't think about this. They buy a bigger place, that big buy a nicer place, and all of a sudden the next week, what are they doing? They're going to the furniture shop because they're thinking, "Oh, I've got an empty corner. I've got an empty room. I've got an empty in a floor," or, "I've got empty cupboards." Whatever it might be. So all of a sudden, guys, you create a vacuum in your life that needs to be filled.

And in this analogy that I'm giving people, fill it with furniture, stuff and things that they don't necessarily need, but you've created that vacuum. You created that space with nothingness. So subconsciously what you want to do is fill it. Now relating this back to business and how you can either use this, or you might be using this right now to put a ceiling to your growth and in creating a constraint. Alternatively, you can flip it on its head and how you can use this powerful concept to grow.

Now, one of my first mentors, what he used to do in his office, in his space when he wanted his business to grow, he put more empty chairs in his office and I'll explain. I'll say that again what that means. So what he would do is he would have an office space and as soon as it was full, he had no more space to fill. So he was creating a false ceiling to his business growth. He wasn't subconsciously wanting to grow it and fill it with more space. So what he would do is he would go out and rent a space next door or expand the space and buy five, 10 chairs.

And every day when he'd walk in he would see that empty space. He would see those empty chairs and subconsciously he wanted to fill it with more people, with more employees. And as a result, the more employees he had, not in all businesses, but in this business specifically, the more heads he had, the bigger his overheads were, which made him obviously grow, get more profit, get more revenue and all those sorts of things. So he was creating a vacuum. He was creating a vacuum a subconscious vacuum that he continually, every day when he walked in, he saw those empty seats. Subconsciously he was thinking about how can I fill them? How can I fill them? And then once again, as soon as he filled those seats, you'd do the same thing again and again and again.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of people there in business who create the ceiling, create the block. They've filled the vacuum they never create another vacuum to fill, and as a result, they hit a capacity. If it's a space and you can't fill it with any more staff, if it's a space you can't fill it with any more clients, then you're not going to subconsciously be trying to force yourself to get more clients, for example.

Now, the example that made this top of mind and why I want to do this video is one of my clients was talking about how they had software that could only service so many clients, let's just say 50 clients. You have a software subscription that only allows you to service 50 clients at a time. Once you hit those 50 clients subconsciously, what are you doing? There is no vacuum left. Subconsciously you think, "Okay cool, I'm just going to wait until one client leaves then I've got 49. I'll get one more client. I'll get 50." But you're never thinking about getting the 51st client and never thinking about getting the 52nd client, you're never thinking about getting the 60th, 70th, 80th.

So how would you create a vacuum in that actual specific format to create subconscious growth? Upping your level of your subscription. Rather than doing it one at a time, maybe getting your 51st client, you might jump up one or whatever it might be. What a real good business operator will do is go, "Okay, I've hit 50. I went from 30 to 40, I went to 50. Why can't I get to 60? Why can't I get to 70?" And so rather than sitting at that cap, they would force themselves and create a vacuum and up their subscription to allow them to be able to service 60 clients at any given time, active all at once.

And then as a result, subconsciously every day you're going to walk in, you're going to go, "Okay, well how am I getting my 51st and 52nd with 53rd, all up to 60?" Once I hit that cap again, take the next leap before the clients come. You're creating a vacuum and as a result, the clients will come because you're subconsciously forcing yourself to start asking yourself better questions to being more efficient to attracting and converting those clients rather than going, "Yep, I'm at my ceiling. I'm just going to wait until I drop down and then fill it back up, drop down, fill it back up." Create that vacuum, and then you want to fill that vacuum.

Now, the negative format I talked about in businesses is some people create that ceiling and they never go above it. They never create that next vacuum. Alternatively, in life, as I mentioned before, people create vacuums for things that they don't need. Shit that they don't need. Stuff. You might be happy in your life, you might have enough stuff, but then as soon as you go and you get the bigger car, the bigger house, whatever it might be, your expenses are going to go up because you want to fill it with more stuff.

So rather than using your finances to buy stuff and creating a vacuum to waste money on buying stuff, look, it's all good to want to get a bigger house. It's all good to get a bigger car, bigger backyard, bigger, whatever it might be. That's cool and that's a lifestyle decision, but do it consciously. Don't let it take advantage of you. Don't let the power work in reverse. If you want to get a bigger place and you know consciously, "Hey, that means I'm going to fill it with more stuff and I know what the costs are going to be. And that's cool because my business is rocking the income's there and I have the capacity, the financial capacity to do that."

You've got costs and you've got investments. Investments is where you put your funds to make back more money. That's business, that's investing. But buying a house and filling it with furniture, a new chair, a new bed, a new desk, whatever it might be, they're costs. They never bring back. I reward a financial, a multiplication on your initial investment, so if you've got enough money, rock and roll, cool. If that's what's important in your life, awesome, but remember, you should be using your funds to invest rather than as a sunk cost.

The more you use your funds as an investment, the more money you make, and then you can go and buy the things that you want to buy thereafter. But you need to be making the money in the first place. If you've only got a certain amount of cash, put that into investment. Turn it into that much rather than creating a vacuum of costs.

Hopefully, that makes sense. If anyone wants to ask any questions I'd just comment down below if there's anything you want me to clarify on that comment down below. And no doubt, if you think about your own personal life as being times where you've created vacuums. And unconsciously created those vacuums and then had to fill them. And created more costs in your life and moved yourself further and further away from being able to have those free funds for investment to actually get you to where you want to be in your life financially.

No doubt, people have experienced that. Hopefully, the analogy makes sense. Vacuums, I wanted to take you through that. There's another concept called the lower constraints. I'm not going to go through that specifically. But vacuums the phenomenon of vacuums. Create the vacuum, it will be filled. It will be filled with something. In essence for business, if you want to scale up, if you want to level up, if you want to go to that next level, if you're here, create that vacuum above yourself and lo and behold, you'll see it get filled and that'll take you to the next level. Do it again, again and again, and you look back six months time from now and go, "Geez, how did I come this far?" It's because you created those vacuums. Because you broke down those false growth ceilings and took it to the next steps.

I hope that makes sense, guys. Utilise that concept. Utilise that power for you rather than against you. And once you understand the concept, that is when you can start to use it for you rather than letting it work against you unconsciously, if that makes sense.

Now, use that in your business, whether it's face-to-face, whether its online with whatever that might be. You can use it in your personal life, relationships. Whatever it might be. It works in all aspects of your life's vacuums. Now, that you understand that concept. I want you to take action on that. I want you to think about what you can do right now. Take a minute, think about right now, the one thing you can do specifically in your business to create a growth vacuum. Think about that. Write that down, take action on that this week and see your business grow. That's it for me, bye for now.

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