
The Only 2 Things You Need To Grow A Successful Online Fitness And Coaching Business

The Only 2 Things You Need To Grow A Successful Online Fitness And Coaching Business

Today's video is all about the only two things you need to grow a successful fitness and online coaching business. The two things, the only two things you need to focus on and how you can forget the rest of stuff. Now, majority of people are working hard. If you're there and you're trying to grow a business, I would say most entrepreneurs, most business owners are not lazy. If they were lazy, they would be not trying to grow a business. They would be doing something easier. Working at McDonald's or whatever it might be.

Now, most of us work hard, most of us have a great work ethic, and most of us are above normal intelligence. Some of you, way above normal intelligence. But the point I'm trying to bring up here is that high level of intelligence, high workload, high work ethic, but unfortunately there are many in the coaching industry that have those three things, but unfortunately earn very little or have difficulties and struggles with their business, their profitability. And in addition to that, have a ceiling on their impact. Working hard, good level or high intelligence, good work ethic, but unfortunately that's not equaling growth and success in business. It's not getting the financial reward that you should be getting for working this hard, and it's not giving you the impact reward because you're not able to get enough clients, to have enough reach, to impact as many lives. And the income is a reward that comes as a result of that impact. The more clients you work with, the more you help, the more you get paid. So it's like you help clients, they pay you. To earn more, have more impact, and it's a perfect circle.

Now, these are the two and only two things. They're very simple, but they're incredibly important and they're incredibly powerful. And once you nail these two things, you will see your business success, your business growth go to the next level. You will not need to work more hours. You will not need to work harder. You will not need to become higher IQ or anything like that. Literally, the problem with most entrepreneurs is they're working so hard, but they're working across so many different things. And you might be sitting there going, "Yeah, Chris, I hear you. I've got a to-do list the length of my arm. I feel like I'm jumping from one thing to the next thing to the next thing. And then back again and just unfocused." Trying to do too many things and going surface level deep on too many things rather than going really deep in one or two things that actually work. And the problem is not because you love or most entrepreneurs love doing multiple things, it's because you don't really know which ones to do. So you do a little bit of a lot rather than a lot of a little.

Now, forget everything except the two very critical things. Like I said, they're simple, but they're very, very powerful.

Now, point one, you need to know how to get clients consistently on demand with a system. And what I mean by that is it is not good enough to be able to get clients with just hustle and grind with your time, bashing them on the phone, bashing them on the keyboard. Why? It's a step in the right direction. If you can't get clients at all, the first step is cool, get clients in whatever way you can. But ultimately where you want to be is get clients with a systemized approach where the system do the heavy lifting for you, where it doesn't rely all on your shoulders. Why? Because ultimately, if you only get clients through hustle and grind, as soon as your hustle and grind stops, as soon as you take a holiday, as soon as you get sick, as soon as you get a bit tired, as soon as you take your foot off the gas, which is inevitable, we're all humans. The client stop, the cash flow stops, the business stops. And that ain't a fun business. That ain't a real business.

So you need to be able to get to a level where you can get clients consistently, predictably, with the system doing the heavy lifting for you. So you can put your head on the pillow at night, wake up the next morning, have leads, have excited people looking to work with you, reaching out to you. Getting the system to do the heavy lifting for you, and then you just only have to do the final piece to enrol those great clients.

Point two... Sorry, point one, how to get those clients consistently with the system, but how to get the ideal high quality clients, high paying clients who are going to pay you what you're worth, so you can go quality over quantity. And that's where it's really at, because that way you can get paid what you're worth, have a great income, and you don't need a million different clients and you're not going to drown an admin. Low ticket means if you don't charge enough, you need a lot of clients. And let me tell you, there's not enough time in the day to work with 200 clients and really get them a great result. But if I told you five clients, charge them higher prices. We all have loads of time to really work with say, five clients, six clients, seven clients. Give them time, energy, focus, quality over quantity. You'd be able to get them amazing results. They'll love you for it and they'll stick around long term. That brings me to point two. Point one, how to get clients consistently in a systemized approach.

Point two, how to keep clients, how to service them in the best way possible that is leveraged for you. Where the systems, once again, do a lot of the heavy lifting for you, but your clients still get amazing results. They're happy to pay you what you're worth and love you for it and stick around long term. It is not good enough to know how to get clients, and then after a week that client ghosts, leaves, asks for a refund, cancels. Or at the end of their package, they haven't engaged enough, you can never resign anyone, and then you have to go out and just get more clients. Puts more pressure on your business.

So the two key things, how to get great clients consistently on demand in a systemized approach. It doesn't just require you blood, sweat, and tears. And two, once you get those clients, how to service them the best way so you don't drown an admin, they get amazing results, they love you for it, and they stick around long term and you can resign them. That's how you truly grow. It's not good enough to get clients and then they leave, clients and they leave, clients and they leave. It's like a boat with a hole in it, a leak. You get them, you lose them, you get them, you lose them. That's not how you build a house. One brick at a time. You get them, you serve them, they love you, they pay you what you're worth, they stick around long term. Those two things, once again in the most systemized approach, is the key to rapid growth, to rapidly getting you to the level where you want to be, where you should be from a financial perspective and from an impact perspective.

Now, if you are sitting there and you're going, "Chris, I hear you loud and clear. I need to know what to do in those two pieces." I've got loads of different stuff I could give you. Reach out to me, you can DM or send me an email, [email protected], or you can go to my website, That's dot co. I'll be happy to have a chat with you around those two pieces. Identify what you are missing and seeing if we can fill those gaps easily for you. I've got amazing stuff I can give you, help you plug straight into your business. And once you have those things plugged in and you have those two areas nailed, you will see, you will not need to work any harder, you'll not need to work on any more things, and you'll just get like 10 times the result. It happens time and time again. The amount of times I speak to people who were working crazy amounts, seeing very little results, and they plug these in, and they're able to work half as much and get four times, five times, 10 times the result.

Now, it sounds like a dream, but if you think about it, you can only go so far with hustle and grind. You're using your time. But if you use systems, systems don't sleep, they don't eat, they don't have family, they don't have friends, they don't take time off. And as a result, that gives you time off. Hopefully that makes sense.

Now, if you got any questions on that, anything whatsoever, you can hit me up, DM me, send me an email, [email protected]. I'll be happy to help you around those. And you'll see, once you have those dialled in, everything goes next level. Hopefully that video helps. Hopefully it helps you to cross off a lot of your to-dos today. If it isn't a to-do that's specifically focusing around those two pillars, cross it off your list. Do not do it. Focus on anything that falls within those two brackets and that is it. And you'll see your growth go to the next level. Hopefully that helps too for me. Bye for now.

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