
How Do I Get The Capital And Time To Start & Build My Online Fitness Business

How Do I Get The Capital And Time To Start & Build My Online Fitness Business

Hey, guys, Chris Lynton here from Tribe Fit, and what I want to do is go through the common question that a lot of people that are looking to start their business have. "Chris, how do I get the capital to even get started and even start to grow my business. Chris, how did you get the capital to start and build your multiple businesses? Secondly, how do I get the time and energy or the ability to focus on doing that?"

So, first and foremost, time comes about due to income. Time comes about as a result of income. When you have limited income and you need to work a job 10 hours a day just to get enough income to keep your head above water, then you only have so many hours left, so much time, so much energy left. And time is generally I find for people allocated based on what's paying the bills. If you are working a business and you're just making made ends, keeping your head above water, and then trying to build a business when you get home in the spare hours and limited energy you have or whatever it might be, unfortunately, all your focus, your energy's going to go to what's paying the bills. Always, it's always going to be the primary, and the secondary's going to be your future, where you want to grow your business and what you're actually trying to do, unfortunately.

And as a result, it goes nowhere because you're putting limited time, putting limited finances toward it, you're putting limited energy and focus to it because it's an afterthought. It's your second priority in life. You know, it might be your primary priority to do that, but as a result, subconsciously, your energy, your time, your focus goes to what's paying the bills. So, time. When the question comes, "Chris, how do I get the time? I'm already working a long job," well, it comes to generating cash flow as fast as possible in your other business, in the business you're trying to grow. I see way too many people trying to build their dream business and spending six months and not making a dollar. Lo and behold, how can you put time to it? How can you start to cut back at your hours on your day-to-day job and put more time and energy to what your dream, your passion is when it hasn't made a dollar? You need to pay the bills.

So, my answer to that is fast cash flow generation. The best thing you can do to allow you to get more time, energy, focus and grow further your dream business is for it to start generating cash and income as fast as possible. The faster you can do that, the more that you can go, "Okay, well this has made me..." Let's just say you want to make 10,000 dollars a month, and your day-to-day job is making you 10,000 a month, and your side business you're trying to grow. If you get it going fast and it starts generating 1,000 dollars a month, for example, all of a sudden you can go, "Hey, boss, I'm going to cut back half a day this week and every week moving forward because I only need to make 9,000 here. Because I'm making a thousand there. And then that time and energy I'm spending here that goes to 2,000, 3,000. Cut back, cut back, and then all of a sudden, your time, your focus, your energy slowly goes to what you're looking to grow.

Alternatively, on the other side, way too many people ... This makes no money, and as a result, it gets no focus, no time, no energy, so it goes nowhere. It needs to generate income fast. That is the key to being able to allocate more time, more energy and help it grow. It's like a baby. It needs time. It need energy. It needs focus. Otherwise it won't go anywhere. And to get those things, it needs to be generating you income. So, fast results is most important. If you've been at this game for a while and you're not generating much income, reach out to me. That is the first thing I work with every client is how to generate income quickly.

Secondly, the question being, "Chris, how do you get the finances? How do you get the capital to start and grow your businesses?" Now, there's two ways to do this. One, you can squirrel away a little bit of money each month, each week, whatever it might be. Say, 10 percent of your pay. You can squirrel it away and put it here while you're working your job in order to invest in growing the business. And that can be in getting a great coach, a mentor, a plan, or whatever it might be. That's going to move you forward faster. But remember, your pure goal here is to generate income as fast as possible.

In every business that I've built, a handful of those in a multiple million-dollar businesses, and in every single one I've done has all been self-funded. I haven't gotten funds from someone. I haven't borrowed money from family. I haven't borrowed money from friends. I haven't borrowed money from the bank. I haven't gotten it from a credit card. It's all been self-funded, and it goes back to once again getting your business to generate cash as fast as possible. Why? Because when it generates cash, it allows you to reinvest that cash. It also allows you to get more expertise or experts around mentors, coaches, so on that helps it build faster. But in addition it gives you, as I was talking about before, more time, more energy, more focus. You can start cutting away at your day job and allocate that to the thing that's generating income.

So, how do you get the capital to get started? You can squirrel away a little bit. But I generally like to say, "Well, the costs of starting a business these days are lower than ever." Back in the day, when we didn't have social media, online, whatever, you had to have a million dollars to start a business. These days you can start a new business with 50 dollars. You buy a website. You get an email address and a logo, a fiver. Costs you five dollars. And away you go. What more do you need? Yeah, you might need some education, some help, or whatever and that's what I mean by if you have a little bit squirrelled away, pay for a great coach, mentor that'll give you a step-by-step proven plan so you see results fast and you get that cash flow coming in fast. And then you reinvest that, your time, your energy, your focus, your finances to see it grow and continue from there.

But you do not need a hell of a lot of capital. And for those people who are thinking, "Oh, I've got to save more. I've got to save more whatever it might be," guys, get started. Most of my businesses I have gotten off the ground 50 to 100 dollars and turned that into a multiple million dollar business. So, get moving. Get cash flow coming into your business quickly, and everything flows in from there. Hopefully that makes sense and gets you through any roadblocks where you are right now and pushes you forward in your journey.

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