
Why Meditation Is Critical To An Online Fitness Business Entrepreneur

Why Meditation Is Critical To An Online Fitness Business Entrepreneur

Hi there. Chris Lynton here from TribeFit. And today, I want to talk to you about why meditation is critical for any online fitness business owner or any business owner. Realistically, any entrepreneur out there who's looking to build and grow in themselves but also build and grow their business and have more impact in their life. Now Meditation, if you were to ask me a year or two ago, I probably would have said it sounds a bit too heavy for me. It sounds like mumbo jumbo, and I don't particularly believe in it. And what I did, because it was something that I didn't have specific belief in, I didn't understand, I put myself outside my comfort zone, and I gave myself a challenge because a lot of people were talking about the benefits of meditation, the benefits from an energy perspective, a hormonal shift perspective, and also from a focus in energy and output or efficiency perspective as well.

So I gave myself a challenge to do meditation, to do a form of yoga meditation a couple of times a week for a month and see what the results are. See what everyone's talking about and then make an informed decision. And pretty much after doing that, guys, I dramatically noticed the benefits from a personal perspective but also from a business perspective as well. And if you think about it, meditation for me, and it's not about chanting and all of those things or whatever it might be, but meditation for me, what it stands for and what it's about, is it's allowing you to collect and process your thoughts.

Now, at any given day, we're absolutely bombarded with information. If you think about it on social media, on your emails, on your phone, on your TV and so on and so forth. Everywhere you go, your radio, everywhere you go, you are consistently getting bombarded with information, getting consistently bombarded with data, and your brain has to take all of that in and try, and organise it and filter out the stuff that is not important and keep top of mind the things that you feel are important and can actually help me move forward in your life.

And if you think about it from a computer perspective, back in the day, you may not remember this, depending on how long ago you're going to computers, but there used to be a system where you could defrag your computer. If it started getting too much data, too much falls in there, you could set it aside for an hour or two hours or so, and it would later just sort all the information. As a result after doing that, it would shut itself down, look at all of the data, all the flows, all the clunkiness that is slowing it down and let it filter it down into a systematic approach, and really organise all of that data, and get rid of the data that's not really important. And as a result of defragging, instantly after that, your computer would work fast and more efficiently and so on and so forth.

And I like to think the brain in a very similar format to that example, you're taking in information data day in and day out. You're absolutely bombarded with it in today's technology advanced world. And Meditation for me, what it allows you to do is close your eyes and think internally, be present and literally shut off any new data input for the hour or half an hour, however long you do it. And as a result, having no new information, having no new data, no new sensors, nothing coming into the body at that given time, it shuts everything off and allows your body to defrag your brain and as a result, throwing the rubbish. All of this stuff, it's fucking you up. Get rid of all the stuff it's cluttering and not making sense, and allow you to make sense of your day, of your information, and think through what you've been exposed to in that day, that week, whatever it might be, and pick out the key things that are actually going to help you and get rid of the rest.

We have too much information these days. And meditation for me is a way of allowing you to clean up your brain space to allow you to focus, allow you to narrow down and laser focus on the things that are most important to you. And as a result, not only reorganise what's happened to you in the past, but also set up your brain ready to absorb the right information in the right way thereafter. So first and foremost, it's what I call almost like a mental defragging process. Shutting down any more inputs, letting your body reset. Secondly, as a business owner depending on how big your business is, how much staff you have, how much you're spending on advertising on any given day, how much risk you're putting into it. Whatever it might be, you're consistently thinking about your business, thinking about what went right that day, what went wrong that day, what you can fix tomorrow.

And majority of people are waking up thinking about their business, and going to sleep thinking about their business. And as a result, it can create almost an acidic environment with your body, and you start to make bad decisions. You start to wake up more tired, you start to overexpose your body to a hormone called cortisol. Now, for those of you who know a fair bit about body physiology and hormonal responses to stress, now you've got stress free training to stress a muscle in most cases is a good thing because it forces it to adapt and grow. But an underlying current of stress all day, every day, whether you're thinking about things on the goal, or the time where you're not sleeping correctly, whatever it might be. If you're in these environments, you actually have elevated level of cortisol. And as a result, an elevated level of cortisol longterm is what ends up burning people out.

What ends up giving people adrenal fatigue, ends up people having low energy, not being able to think correctly, not being able to see opportunities when they come, or be able to think and make decisions that are going to move them forward rather than accepting ones that are going to push them backwards. So the defragging format phenomenal, but as a sense as well of presence and meditation, it resets your hormones, it resets your body, and it allows it to go back to a state of homeostasis where everything is balanced. You're thinking clearly, you can see opportunities, you can see threats and steer clear of them and all of those sorts of things. You need to be able to do as a good person in your life, helping clients and your family, your friends, your social circle, but also more importantly in this context, your business.

So I highly recommend it if you do not do it as of yet. I highly recommend meditation, whether that be for 10 minutes, whether that be for an hour, whatever it might be. Generally, I find for me what works really well, is I do a format called yins. It's a format of yoga, but it actually is just stretching. It goes for an hour. I do it two to three times a week and generally what you do in that hour, is you hold a stretch for four to five minutes. You do nothing else. There is no movement. For me, yoga, personally I didn't find it relaxing enough to be able to shut down my brain and stop those inputs because you're constantly moving. Whereas yin, or as some people do journaling or whatever it might be, it allows you just to go internal, shutoff information, close your eyes and just let your brain re frag.

So for me that's an awesome fit. It's one thing that I found worked really, really well. If you're not doing anything as of yet, I highly recommend or suggest trying some form of meditation class. Alternatively, downloading an APP or whatever it might be, checking out something on youtube, and start with 10 minute block, half an hour block once or twice a week. Force yourself, challenge yourself to do that for a month and see how you feel afterwards. And I can guarantee you'll be making better decisions, your business will be growing, you'll be happier. And as a result, you'll have much more energy, clarity, and focus, and efficiency in all your tasks. So you be getting better outcomes with less time and energy, which is what, I guess we're all looking for. So hopefully that makes sense. I challenge you to put that in to your daily routine for at least a 30 day trial. See how you feel after that and go from there.

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