
How To Get People To Love You And Pay You As An Online Trainer - Pains And Gains

How To Get People To Love You And Pay You As An Online Trainer - Pains And Gains

What's up guys?

It's Chris Lynton from TribeFit here, and we work with personal trainers. We help them build and grow consistently, predictably, their online fitness business. Get more dream online clients, so they have more control over their income, their impact, and of course their life at the same time. And basically guys, I get reached out from personal trainers day in and day out, and they're in generally one of two situations.

First and foremost they're either in the gym, you know working long hours, early mornings, late nights. On their feet all day long. And you know, getting clients cancelling on them, whatever it might be. And they're just working way too hard and having too little to show for it. And they're looking for a smarter way, a more leveraged way, and a way that they can consistently stay in the area of their passion. Help more people, and do it for the rest of their life. But like I said, have more control.

Alternatively, they've gone online, they've got a handful of online clients. And you know, it started off they got a handful of clients, and maybe they discounted to get those clients. And unfortunately they have no consistency and predictability over their client generation online, so they're kind of stuck once again in a stage where they have to have a full-time side job while also trying to build and grow their online. And they're just frustrated and they don't know what to do to get it above where they're at currently, and consistently see that growth, and those clients come in.

And guys, I'm not one of those overnight gurus that's, you know popped up over night and is teaching something they've never taught. First and foremost I've built a seven-figure online fitness business, and from there I've gone on to teach what I learned along the way. And helping, you know personal trainers all around the world to do exactly that. And I have one of the biggest testimonial walls in this space, and the fastest growing. And you know, it's a true testament to what we've been able to do and the impact we've been able to have at the same time. And of course the impact those trainers are having on all of their clients as well.

And it feels very good, it's very humbling. And it feels great to help people. Why? Because you know, I was in a very similar situation. Myself and my business partner, we were in a similar situation where at this stage, you know it was frustrating. Feeling stuck, not knowing what to do. You know, doing everything and not knowing exactly what's working, what's bringing in clients. And you know, one month you have a good month or an all right month. The next month, you know it's absolute crickets again. And you've got no idea, you think you're doing the same thing, and you just can't put your finger on what is wrong.

And it wasn't until, you know we worked out a few things that everything changed. And we got full control over our client, and our lead generation, and as a result everything changed from there. Being able to predictably, you know generate 20, 30, 40 clients a month for the last 16, 18 months alone in our business. Then also helping trainers do the exact same thing. And I'm not talking about, you know low priced clients, I'm talking about high paying clients who... Dream clients who stick around and are highly motivated, and follow what you're saying, and get great results at the same time. Which is at the end of the day exactly what we want to do, work with people we want to work with, earn a good income, have loads of impact and really transform lives. And that's what we got into the industry for.

So what I wanted to do is take you through one of those tips. You know, there's a handful of things that we found out that really helped us get from being stuck and frustrated, to where we are today. And that's what we help a lot of trainers with day-to-day as well. And I want to take you through one of those tips. One of those things that you can implement today, and start getting better results. And start taking control, and getting... You know, cutting through. And a lot of people, you know with their marketing, whether that's through post content marketing, ads, whatever it might be. They're just not cutting through, they're not standing out. And as a result, they're not getting the attention that they deserve. They might be a great trainer, but they're seen just like everybody else. They're getting lost in the noise, getting lost in the crowd.

And let me tell you, look it's a competitive space. Every man and his dog thinks he's an online trainer at the moment, and you need to know these things to be able to stand out and cut through just like we did. And just like all of the trainers we work with as well now. This one tip, if you start implementing this today you're going to start seeing better results. And it's what I call pains and gains. Way to many people, you know in their marketing, in their posts... In their whatever they might be doing, their ads, are talking about gains rather than pains. And once you flip your focus on what you talk about, you'll start to cut through, get more attention, get more people reaching out to you because they'll know you're an expert. And they'll be happily paying you what you're worth, and you'll have people lining up day in and day out wanting to be a client. Pains and gains.

Now you need to understand this concept. People do more to avoid pain, than they do to move towards gains. And how does that relate to, you know, your business? Let's just say for example you work with guys, and help them get six-pack abs, for example. You know, doing marketing, doing copy, doing posts, doing whatever it might be in writing, "Hey, here's how to get six-pack abs." That is talking about a gain. The pain is what makes people take action. Everybody is talking about gains, you need to start talking about pains. You need to start talking about... You know, change the communication, talk about the pain the person is feeling, and how you know, you've felt the same pain. And by doing x, y, zed you are now able to get to a place, and solve that problem, and no longer feeling that pain. And you have that six-pack abs as a result.

So it's not the gain, it is relieving the pain that makes people take action. So if you implement that today in everything you do, you're going to start to cut through more. You're going to see more attention, you're going to get more people reaching out to you. And hopefully that makes sense. If you've got any questions, comment down below. And at the same time guys, if you know of any trainers who are, you know struggling and stuck, and don't know how to build and grow their online fitness business the right way. If you could maybe tag them in below, or share that with them as well, because what we want to do is we want to help as many people as possible. That's our goal.

And yeah hopefully that tip resonates, helps. Like I said, any questions comment down below. Alternatively if you know anyone that this could help, feel free to share it or tag them in. And like I said, we want to help as many people as possible. So implement that today, implement that this week, this month. Keep it top of mind at everything that you're doing, you'll start to see every little bit of marketing you do cut through, get better results. And you go from there.

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