
Why You Can't Make 6 Figures As Online Trainer

Why You Can't Make 6 Figures As Online Trainer

Hi there, Chris Lynton here. And today I wanted to do this video to talk to you about why you can't realistically make six figures as an online trainer. Now, we've heard guru after guru, mentor, coach after coach talking about how you can make multiple six figures, seven figures, 800 figures, and live the dream life, take as much holidays as you want, take time off, do nothing and literally make that at a press of a button. And I guess what I wanted to do in today's video is talk to you about why that is a whole lot of BS, a whole lot of bullshit and why there is not a reality in everybody being able to make six or higher figures as an online trainer.

Now, as I mentioned before, so many people talk about this day in and day out, and we get bombarded with messages from people saying that it is so easy, anyone can do it. Anyone with pretty much a heartbeat and a smartphone can grow an online fitness business. And the real true problem is so many people ... or the reality is, so many people, 99% of people who try to build an online fitness business can't, and never will. And it's for the reason that not many of us think of. It's not that they don't work hard enough. There's so many people out there that are working, waking up early, doing work on their online business before they have to go and do their real job, their face-to-face business or whatever it might be. And then staying up late hours afterwards exhausted working on it again. And literally hardly sleeping, phenomenal work ethic and putting in the time, putting in the effort, putting in the energy and the focus, but not seeing the rewards and wondering why. And it is such a high percentage of people who are trying to do it and putting in their heart and soul to do it, but not getting the results.

And unfortunately, the reality is that not everyone is going to be able to do it. And even more so, it comes down to how you are going about it and how you are doing it. There are so many people out there, I'd say the majority of people, who are working hard, not getting any results to show for it. And it is not because of them being the problem. It's not that they don't have enough motivation or they don't have enough energy or they don't have enough drive. The key fundamental flaw is that they are not doing the right things. They're focusing on the wrong things day in and day out. And as a result, it doesn't matter how much time you put into doing the wrong things, you'll never get the right outcome.

Let me repeat that so it makes sense. If you were doing hours and hours on end and pumping so much energy and focus and time into the wrong things, you are never going to get the right outcome. And when it comes to doing the wrong things, I speak to a lot of trainers and they talk about putting together a logo, a brand name, the colours to it, getting some professional photos taken, getting in shape for those photos, taking time to shred and get into shape, building up their social media following, trying to get 5,000 followers, 10,000 followers before they even start. And building an expensive website that ends up doing nothing.

Now, blogging, podcast, building websites, building your logo, your business brand name, your personal photos, what phone you've got, what computer you've got, what camera and quality lens that you've got at the moment, how good you are at Facebook lives, all of these things do not actually matter. And unfortunately, posting on social media motivational quotes, selfies, kind of faking it until you make it, all of these things day in and day out are draining people's energy. And unfortunately, that's where the majority of people are putting their time and their focus, and as a result, they're not getting anywhere. They're not getting clients, they're not moving forward, and they're wondering why.

Now, all of these things ... Look, if you jump on Facebook five times a day or 500 times a day every day for the next year or two, yeah, you'll get some results just through sheer effort and doing it, you'll get some results. But you won't get the results that you deserve. And unfortunately there aren't many people out there who have the time and have the ability to literally quite their job and do that full-time for a year or two before seeing one or two clients actually coming through the door.

What you do need is you need reliable proven steps, key few things to focus on day in and day out, and you can actually do less work, put in less energy and time, but get a better outcome. If you think about it, I'm not promoting that these are magical things, but if you just think about it, if you're doing 100 things a day, and there's really only 20 of those things that actually matter, if you stop doing the 80 of the 100 and just do those 20 out of that 100, you'll work less, you'll put in less time and less energy, but you will get the same or more results because you've got more focus and time into those key things.

Now, like I talked about, websites, branding, logos, all of those things aren't important. What is important is understanding three key pillars within your business. How to successfully attract high paying, high motivated online clients, your ideal client type. How to attract them. Secondly, having a predictable and automated format to be able to convert them. It's one thing to attract them, but you need to be able to convert them in as fast as possible. Now, I'm not talking about 100 email followup sequences that takes 30 or 60 days to warm the person up before you convert them in, whatever it is. The goal, the ideal goal, is being able to have one contact with someone, one communication, one conversation, and turn them into a high paying client. Fast track the process. Why? Because then you don't get people falling out of the sieve and you don't get wastage, and you see much faster results, which allows you go to again and again and again.

Now, attract. A way to attract high paying ideal clients. Secondly, how to convert those in an easy format, a fast format where it really only takes one conversation, not multiple followups conversations, email sequences, warm ups, all of that sort of stuff. They're absolute wastes of time. The third key aspect is how you deliver your services as an online trainer. Now if you ... Do not get these things wrong. You'd be wasting time, you'd be wasting energy, you'd be charging not what you're worth, you'd be charging lower than what you're worth, and the energy and time and format you're putting in. And if you don't have the attraction side set up, all you'll be able to do is get clients from people who are family or family friends or friends within your current social circle. And sooner or later, those people are going to be used up. You're not going to have any more capacity or scale. And you're going to run out of the ability to generate clients.

So, as you can see, you need to be able to attract people who do not know you today that you can turn into online clients. You then need to be able to convert them ideally with just one conversation in a very quick and instantaneous format so you're not wasting time chasing them. Thirdly, you need to have the systems and the structures to be able to deliver a phenomenal services so they get a great result, they tell all their friends about you, they want to give you a testimonial so you can use in your marketing moving forward. And they want to stick with you for life. Now, if you can get those three key things sorted, you really only need one tactic or one activity within the attraction side of things and one key aspect within the conversion side of things. The delivery side is your systems, your automations, your setup, and also of course your avatar and nicheing.

So, hopefully that makes sense, hopefully that's cleared up some things. If you are ... You know, if you look back on yesterday, the day before, the day before that, if you were spending hours trying to build your online fitness business, if you've been doing it for a week, for a month, for a year and you're not getting much results, then generally the problem is you're falling short in one of those three pillars and doing a lot of things that do not actually move your business forward. So, you need to look at what you're doing, cut away and throw in the bin the stuff that isn't working, the things that you've been doing time and time again and not giving you results. And you need to focus on how to attract high quality people that do not know you today.

Secondly, how to convert those people in ideally one conversation for a high value, paying you what you're worth. And thirdly, once they come on board, having the systems and structures that allows you to deliver a phenomenal service without selling your time for money and without bogging you down so you can continue to help them, get them a great result, make them love you and want to stay with you for life. But at the same time, it gives you the time and energy to be able to find more clients to grow and scale, but also have time outside of your business for family, friends, and all the things you want to do outside of it. So, hopefully that makes sense. If you've got any questions, feel free to shoot me through an email or comment down below. That's it from me. Bye for now.

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