
How To Easily Turn "sounds great let me think about it" Into More "sounds great how can I pay?"

How To Easily Turn "sounds great let me think about it" Into More "sounds great how can I pay?"

What we're going to be going through in today's session ultimately is about how to get you more clients, how to turn more, "Sounds like a great idea. Let me get back to you. Let me think about it." How to turn that Into more, "Sounds amazing. How do I pay" High paying clients that want what you do, know what you do, and happy to pay what you're worth. 'Cause ultimately, what really hurts is when you've got a great system and you've got great leads coming through and a great client and you actually change their life and help and they can afford what you do, but you're unable to close them. You get that close and it's such a perfect fit, and it gets to a spot where they're just like, "Sounds great. Let me think about it. Let me get back to you." And then you ultimately never hear from them again.

Now, we've all had that happen before. Unfortunately for most of us, it's happened more than we would like. And there is a specific tip, and I'm going to take you through today on how to stop that happening to you so that ultimately you can get more clients with the opportunity you've got, have more income, have more impact, and as a result of that, continue to grow. And then double down on that. And that's how things really exponentially grow.

Now, number one tip, when you're speaking to a prospect, and I speak to my team about this all the time. I speak to my students who I work with. You are not having a sales call, you're not having a sales conversation, you're not doing any of those things. Ultimately, what you want to do, the number one thing, there is all these techniques and secrets and all this sort of stuff to closing and all that sort of stuff, now, none of that matters. No technique will actually help you close more if you don't do this one thing. Everything else will fail you, no matter who you speak to, how much you pay, how much help you get, how many YouTube videos you watch, how many calls you have, how good a prospect is, how bad a prospect is, all of those things will fail you if you don't do this one thing correctly.

Now, the key to being a great coach is being able to get clients and then get them a result. That's ultimately the definition of a great coach. If you are a great coach and you can get amazing people clients, sorry, if you can get amazing results for clients, but you can't get clients, then you're not a good coach. So you need to be able to get clients and you need be able to then help change those clients' lives. And that's the definition of a great coach.

Now, the one thing that you need to nail when you're speaking to prospects is, the one thing you need to lead with is curiosity. And it is above all else, absolute curiosity. And if you approach everything with a curiosity basis, you will get more clients and you, you will get clients on board paying you what you're worth, higher prices and actually thanking you at end of the call. And not only that, when they come in, they'll have more belief in you. They'll have more belief in the process. And we all know that no matter how good of a coach you are, if your client doesn't follow it, they're not going to get results.

And so not only do you want to bring them in, get them to pay and become a client, you want them to have absolute belief and confidence in you so they follow through with what you tell them. And then ultimately, that's what they're going to get them the best result. And they're going to stick around long-term. They're going to love you for it. You're going to get testimonials, referrals, so on and so forth. And that's what really builds a strong business. So it all comes from the initial conversation, whether it's in-person or online. Absolute curiosity. And what I mean by curiosity is you need to have a want to understand the person's situation with absolute curiosity.

Now, what I mean by that is you're not wanting to just ask questions and follow a script, a sales script or anything like that. It's not about techniques and traps and strategies or whatever it is. If you approach everything with 100% curiosity to wanting to understand exactly where that person's at, their situation, have curiosity around their answers to your questions. Now, a lot of people can be given a script and I can be given the same script as you can and we can have the same questions, but I can get a much different outcome than a lot of other people 'cause I attack things with curiosity. I actually want to know, I actually care. I truly want to know.

And so if I ask you a question and the answer of the prospect, doesn't 100% answer my question or it doesn't fill me in with all of the dots that I need or fill all the gaps, I'll ask it in another way or I'll ask it again. Or I'll say, "Oh, you know what? Actually, that didn't 100% give me the answer I'm looking for." Or, "I need to understand, can I ask this" or, "Can I ask a little bit more about that?" Or, "Can you please confirm this?" Or, "I'm not sure if I understand correctly. So let me just say this back to you. What I'm hearing is boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Is that correct?" Right.

And see, that's curiosity because ultimately sometimes what someone says to you, you may assume it means something or they may not communicate it correctly or the best way. And if you just take things on face value, you don't have full curiosity to actually truly want to understand, then you're not going to be able to put yourself in the shoes of your prospect. You're not going to be able to understand really where they're at, where they want to be. You're not going to be able to understand their motivators. You're not going to be able to understand what's brought them to this conversation today. And ultimately, without understanding all of that, A, you're not going to know whether you're actually going to be able to help them or not. But B, you're not going to be able to understand their internal motivation for one to speak to you and relay that back to them to allow them to motivate themselves in moving forward.

Now, the key to quote, unquote, "Sales," is not about selling your services to someone. It's not about selling yourself to someone else and convincing them that you're the best. The true component of influence, which is sales, is getting them to influence themselves, to sell themselves why they need you or why they want what you do. And that's the most motivating piece and the most motivating way to actually get someone to take action. Now, repeat that. Your job is not to sit there on the phone or in person and be, "I'm the best. This is great. This is awesome. We do this, we do this, we do this. It's so cool. You should do it. I know I can help you. Let's do it. How does that sound? Let's go." That's not sales, that's not influence, and you're going to do pretty poorly.

Your actual job is to get them... Ask enough questions and get them to convince themselves why they need your service. And ultimately, like I said, that way they'll come in with absolute confidence that you're the person for them that we happily pay high prices, they'll thank you for the conversation, and then they'll dive into your programmes with absolute blind faith and confidence in you. And ultimately they'll get better results. You'll get a better client and you won't get those types of clients that come in for a day and they start questioning everything and they don't follow things and they're like, "Oh, I don't know. I don't know."

Because ultimately, no one wants clients like that. We want to get great clients who pay us what we're worth, trust in our ability to change their lives, follow through with what we say and actually get an amazing result. That's what we all want to do as coaches, because we don't want to get wishy-washy clients that come through and bail after two days because they were never really that confident or they didn't really make the right decision. Or worst case scenario, when you're training a client, they don't do any of the work or they go away and they work out really hard and then in the nighttimes they're eating cakes and self-sabotaging themselves or whatever it might be. That undoes the hard work and it's a bad reflection on your ability to get them result, but it's not actually something that you can control. The only way you can control it is that the first point when you're having conversation with them and getting their absolute blind faith and trust and confidence that you are going to change their life, and then they just roll through it and it's just like amazing.

So hopefully that makes sense. The key, to repeat, is absolute curiosity, wanting to know where exactly put yourself in the shoes of your prospect and it will allow you to close better. It'll allow you to get better clients who are more self-motivated, and then you get more clients results, which is ultimately what it's about. So hopefully that makes sense. If you've got any questions whatsoever, you can send me a DM, Chris Lynton, I should be tagged in this. Or you can send an email at [email protected].

If you need help getting more clients, if you want to know how to consistently get high paying clients, reaching out to you day in and day out, you've seen the results, you've seen our testimonies. We've got the biggest and fastest going in the industry, so the results speak for themselves. I'm not going to try and convince any of you, just like I've been talking about, you need to do your research, come to a position where you know what you want and you want more in your life. You want more freedom, more cash, more impact, more confidence and predictability and less stress, and know that that's what we do. And we've done it for and hundreds of trainers before you, you've seen the results. Like I said, our results speak for ourself.

And if you're in that position, in that space and you really want to make it happen, then definitely shout out. We can have a chat, we can see if we can help. Now, some cases we can't. Maybe you might not be in the right place just yet, and we'll give you some tips and we'll say, "Hey, maybe go read this book or go check out this. And then once you've done that, come back, we can have a chat, and then we can make it something beautiful happen." Or in other cases, maybe you might be in the perfect position and we can make it happen as well.

So feel free to shout out if you've got any questions or if you'd like to have a chat. No stress. It's just a super easy, honest chat. And if you're at the right place and you want the help, then we can make magic work together. And if you're not in the right place, totally cool. We'll give you some tips. You can go away, see what you need to do, and then when you're ready, we can make it happen thereafter. So hopefully that makes sense. Hello to all the new faces, all the old faces as well. Hopefully you have an amazing week. Hope you had an amazing January. We've got some clients that have hit some absolute crazy numbers, record-breaking numbers in December and January, and I can't wait to see the results of February as well. So have an amazing day. Have an amazing week. Shout out to me if you want to connect and we can go from there. That's it from me. Bye for now.

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