
How To Niche As An Online Trainer | Why You Must Niche and Which Ones Rock / Suck

How To Niche As An Online Trainer | Why You Must Niche and Which Ones Rock / Suck

Today, we are here to talk about how to niche, why you must niche to succeed as an online trainer, online coach, and which niches rock, which one suck, which ones to run away from. Because look, if you get this wrong, this is the key foundational stuff to your business, right? And if you get this wrong, look, I can give you techniques. I can give you strategies, but this is the concrete foundation to the house, right? And you want to get this stuff correct. And everything flows off the back of that, right? Now, if you're there, you've got any questions or got any comments, anything you want me to clarify that we go through today, just comment down below and also give it a couple of likes and let me know where you're dialling in from as well. So like I said, what we're going to be going through is niche.

Why it's important, how to do it, which one's rock, which one's suck and you should be running away from. And by doing this, I guess first point of call, wHy do we niche? Now, in a local business, right? If you are a personal trainer, if you've got a cafe, if you've got mow lawns, whatever it might be, if you're in a local business, right? A local area business means that you work with people that are in your local area, your local location, right? And if you, for example, do a radius of 20 minute drive from where you live, that's kind of your pull, your catchment of potential prospects, potential clients, right? And that's pretty small. Depending on whether you live in a country town, whether you live in a super big busy city, whatever it might be, you're capped by the potential number of people who live a radius of where you're going to work on the people you're going to help.

And then it's even further refined from all the population down to the people that want your services and need your help. Right? So you don't have a huge pool to fish from, right? And if you were to niche massively, but you'd go from, let's just say a catchment of 50,000 people that live around the radius you work in. And then let's just say, you're a personal trainer, or you got a bootcamp, whatever it might be. You've got 50,000 people. And then of those 50,000 people, only a certain amount are going to be interested in fitness or health or getting stronger or whatever it might be. And then even smaller portion of that might be looking actively for a coach or trainer or a service right now. So it gets smaller and smaller and smaller, right? And that's your pool that you fish from. Now, when it comes to online, your pool to fish from becomes the world, right?

You go from, I don't know, 50,000 and then people are actively looking for a solution or interested in that, 10,000. And then people who are actively looking for a solution in your local area. If you have a local area business, 500 people, 1,000 people, right? In the online world, you have the potential to tap into... There might be billions of people in the world, right? And within that one billion that can afford your services and who are interested in health and fitness. And then out of a billion, there might be 500,000 who are actively looking for a coach, who are interested in your health and fitness, and are able to afford your service. So it's huge, right? It's massive. And if you try to be super niche in a local business, you will only be able to work with 10 people, 20 people, right? If that. In the online world, if you go niche to the same level, you will have 100,000, 200,000 people that will be your potential prospects, right?

That can be your client. So that's a huge, huge difference, right? And that's why when you're in local area businesses, boot camps, gyms, personal training, mowing lawns, whatever it might be, you can't niche too much. You have to be broad so that you can work with older males, younger males, older females, younger females, retirees, whatever it might be, right? Because you can't have the pool go down to two or three, and then you've got two or three clients and you can never get any more. And then when those people are finished, you've got no potential clients. But online, right? You need to niche down because at the same time, you're competing with trainers all around the world that are going for that pool, right? And when you niche, you start to narrow your focus further rather than being able to offer your service to 500,000 people and might be 2,000 people, right?

And well, 5,000, 10,000, whatever it might be. And by chunking down, down, down, down, down your audience, potential clients reduces, and your competition reduces because you are one of 10 trainers who only focus on that specific area, helping with that specific thing, whatever it might be. And so your audience reduces, but it's still massive. More than you'll ever need. Your competition reduces. And at the same time, you're able to cut through better and get clients chasing you. Because what you want to do is become the king or queen of your mountain, right? Your mountain is like your niche. And if you become the expert in that space, all of a sudden... If your marketing message is just talking about that. And it's always just talking about that and people come in and they're like, Hey, Chris, all he does is help people to do X, Y, and Z, and help him by doing this.

It's all he talks about all day. That's all what his testimonials talk about. That's what he knows. That's what he's an expert at. If I have the problem, I'm going to go to him. I'm not going to go to the general trainer around the corner. I'm not going to go to the person that helps old and young people gain muscle, lose weight, do cardio. I'm going to find the person that can solve the problem that I want. And like I said online, the volume of people is just so big that, if you niche down...You can't be afraid, and this is a massive trap that a lot of trainers fall into. They feel because they've been working the local area space along and they've had to work with kind of anyone and everyone because there's limited numbers of people, right?

Limited opportunity. When they go online, they get scared thinking, "But if I only work with women that are looking to get fit and toned in time for their wedding, what about the older guy that's got a sore knee or the younger guy that wants to put on muscle. I'm not going to miss out on clients." And this is the number one trap. The number one mistake that you can do is you take a local area business mentality to an online business. You take that mentality across. And what you end up doing is you end up wanting to be everything to everyone and nothing to nobody. So your message ends up just getting lost in the noise of online. No one ever searches you out because you're not an expert of anything. And no one really understands what you do because in online, you don't have the ability to sit down and have a coffee with someone for an hour and explain what you do.

You've got split seconds. People see you, if they don't understand your message, what you do, they move on. And then they go speak to the next person, right? Who has clarity of their message, who has clarity of how they help, and are able to have, what's called, an elevator pitch. And if you haven't heard what an elevator pitch is before, it's a common saying where if you were to jump into an elevator with your prospect and go up two floors, we're talking 5, 10 seconds. What's your pitch that you will be able to communicate in that time between going up two levels, 10 seconds, to that prospect, to explain what you do, how you help, and get their interest. Because if you take too long, they're gone, right? That's what an elevator pitch is. And in the online world, where we're on our phones, we're on a computer, or we're streaming something on the TV.

We're talking to our family. Whatever it might be. People are busy, right? They need to be able to quickly and easily consume your elevator pitch. And then boom, that person's for me and then want to find out more. Otherwise, they get lost and move on. Right? So the learning is, bootcamp is not important in a local business. Niching is incredibly important in an online base. It allows you to cut through. It allows you to have a stronger message and it allows you to become the king or queen of your mountain. So you're the expert. You're seen as the expert, you're seen as the authority, and you're seen as high value. So that allows you to solve problems and charge high value as well, because your perceived value is it aligned with what you want to charge, right? A generalist trainer, a person who does a little bit of anything and would work with anyone, has a low perceived value.

And that's the type of person a prospect sees and goes, "Well, I'm going to haggle with him about their price. I'm going to I ask for discounts, I'm going to ask for seven days free. 14 days free. I'm going to pay them late. I'm going to not show up on time, not value their time. I'm going to cancel five minutes before the session." Whatever it might be. They don't have a high perceived value of you if that's happening. And it's generally... That's the symptom, the cause is not having a, not owning your mountain, right? So that's why niching is important when it comes to online. Now, which niches, you're probably asking, "Well, Chris, how do I do it? Which niche is now?" Every student of mine, I worked very closely to make sure that they nail their niche before... Get those foundations tight, massive clarity around it and have an irresistible marketing message that is created to that nature.

Right? So I've got exercises and stuff that I take them through. Obviously I can't take you through that. It's quite detailed. It has to be because it's very important, but it's not hard. It's detailed, but it's not hard, right? Obviously I can't take you through that all in this video. If you're having problems around your niche, you're thinking, "Is it this or that?" Or you don't have clarity around it. Send me a PM. Send me an email, [email protected], that's dot C O. And we can have some back and forth on that. And hopefully I can give you some clarity on that. Like I said, the first thing I do with all my students is foundations. And it's nailing that and the irresistible marketing message that will bring those types of clients coming through, right? Top level. Here's some things to think about if you're not sure about your niche, right?

First and foremost, can the person make their own... The niche that you're thinking about? Can that person make their own financial decision? If the answer is no, cross it off the list, move on to another option, right? Two, can they afford what you're worth? If they can't, cross it off the list. Do they have access to internet, phone, computer? And do they use their phone regularly? If the answer to that is no, cross that off the list. For two reasons, one, you will not be able to reach them and get them interested. And two, you won't be able to service them, right? Because they'll be like, "Oh, I don't understand how to get my programme or connect with you or get the accountability. I don't understand. This is too hard. Can I cancel it?" Right? So ability to make their own financial decision is very, very important.

It's very critical. You do not want to go to a market where the person has to ask another person... Your prospect is really interested and they're like, "But I need to go ask someone before I can say yes." That over-complicates the process, right? Two, can they afford your services? So, first one is, can they make a decision about your service themselves? And can they afford your services? Right? Number three is access. Can you get access to them? And do they have access, or will they be able to access the service that you provide in the way that you want to provide it? Right? And really, age brackets become very important here. Anything below about 21 can work. I've had students smash it in this space before, but I'm trying to give you general rules of thumb, right?

Anything above 21, generally good. Anything above, sorry. Above 21 and more or less below mid to high 40s, right? 50 can work, low 50s. Once again, it's the same. I've had people do 60s, mid 60s, and absolutely crush it. Even higher. But I'm trying to give you rules of thumb of what mainly works here, right? Just to give you some general guidance. So you got age bracket, access, usage, can they afford your services, can they make their own financial decision, right? These are kind of the critical components. The things that can layer on top of that is do they have a problem that they're already paying for? Do they have a problem that they're already paying for to get a solution to? It makes it very easy for you to go, "Hey, you're doing X and that's not working. You already spending that money. Do Y with me. Re-divert that cash and we'll move forward and we'll solve this problem for you."

Once again, makes it very easy. The final piece is really do they have a problem? Are they spending on the problem? And do they have a hard need or hard want to transform to change? And that can be time-based. I talked about before, brides and weddings. There's a hundred other ones I could give you, but generally align in the same time can help. It's not necessary. But it can help add motivation to the prospect to move forward fast. Because they're like, "Hey, I need to get X result in the next 12 weeks. I need to get it in the next 14 weeks. So I need to act now," rather than "Oh, let me think about it." Or, "It's not that important to me. Maybe I'll think about it next month," or whatever it might be. Right? So hopefully this makes sense. If you've got any questions, comment down below, I'll come back to you on that.

Just to sum up. Local area business bootcamp doesn't work. And most of you who are looking to grow online, push online are coming from that. So you can't take that mentality to online. Otherwise, you will fail. They're two completely different things. The access to the market, the audience, the size is completely different and your competition is completely different, right? So you can't take a local area business mentality to online. Otherwise, you will fail. You need to change that up, right? You need to niche for all the reasons we talked about. It also makes you a better trainer, a better coach, because let me tell you, if you work with one client and help them with something, or you work with a hundred clients and you help them all with the same thing, you get better and better and better and better. Your services get better.

The results get better because you become an expert at just solving that one thing, right? It's not a scary thing. You're not going to miss out on potential clients. It's actually the opposite. If you don't niche, you're going to miss out on a potential clients, right? And we've also gone kind of through some top level guidance on which niches, I guess, rules of thumbs. Like I said, if you want any more clarity than that, and you're really stuck with it, reach out to me. You can send me an email. You can send me a DM or a PM and I'll come back to you on that. Make sure you get the clarity you need. And it is critical, right? So if you're not getting the results you deserve right now, and you're doing lots of work and lots of strategies and techniques, and you're getting super busy, but you're not getting the results, it can generally come down to your foundations or the techniques that you're doing are wrong.

They don't work. There's only two things. Foundations or the techniques... You've got the foundation strong or the techniques are old. They used to work five years ago. You've worked with a coach or a trainer that told you something that they did five years ago that worked. It doesn't work anymore. Or alternatively, you're getting information from someone who has never done it before and is just guessing. And they're telling you, "Hey, do X," but X never worked because they have no idea. And they're just kind of guessing because they've never done it before. So either they did it too long ago and it doesn't work anymore or they've never done it. And they're just guessing. And they're giving you techniques that don't work, right? That's it, that's all it can be.

So let me know if you guys questions. Hopefully that makes sense from today and gets you guys a little bit more clarity on what you're doing and where you're wanting to get to and gets you more results for the activity that you're doing currently. Got any questions, you want a little bit more clarity around it, reach out to me. Happy to help and set you on the straight and narrow and get you that clarity. And then you can go from there. Hopefully you have an amazing day. Amazing week forward, guys. That's it for me. Chris Ni ching and TribeFit. We'll be speaking soon. Bye for now.

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