
Tribefit - Secret To Strengthening Your Mindset & Recognising Your BS For Business Owners

Tribefit - Secret To Strengthening Your Mindset & Recognising Your BS For Business Owners

Scientists, what they did is they wanted to learn about how much willpower humans have and generally they do their first tests on lab mice, lab rats, whatever it might be and it is about endurance motivation. Being able to keep up with a task and how long you can do something that is very, very difficult before giving up.

What they did is they got a couple of canisters, let's say like really big glass vases filled with water half way up and what they did is, let's say they took four or five of them, they dropped a mouse or rat in each one of them and obviously the mouse or rat is trying to swim, trying to climb out but can't because the glass is slippery. In terms of the result, the mouse just swimming around and trying to keep its head above water so that it doesn't drown and obviously this is a pretty difficult task. After a while they get pretty tired. But it is a pretty important task.

And what they found is there's a certain set time period for most of these mice. It's the first time they put them through this test, there's a certain average time frame. I can't remember what the time frame is and it doesn't really matter. But what happens is at a certain stage the mouse, the rat gives up and ends up just floating around the glass tank because they realise they can't get out. They realise the task is too difficult and they end up giving up and they end up, in essence, committing suicide because they're just like, "There's no way out, I can't survive, I can't endure anymore to get out of this tough situation."

So, they did that with a couple of rats and they found out there's an average sorta time frame and then the next time they tested, obviously they didn't let the rats drown or die or anything. Then they got some fresh rats or mice, whatever it might be, and put them in the glass jar and five seconds before the average time that they found that these mice or these rats give up, they pulled them out of the glass container with the water and they let them go about their day for the rest of the day.

The next day, they got those exact same mice or rats, they put them back in the glass vase with the water and they found that these mice who have done it the day before, who had almost got to their peak of giving up, these mice, every single one of them, on average, were able to keep going for like 10%-20% longer and then they did it again and did it again and did it again and each time these mice that were in the test they would take them to almost their absolute limits before giving up, they'd pull 'em out, they'd save them, they'd make them realise there is light at the end of the tunnel, don't give up, or whatever it might be. Then when they put them in the exact same test the next time, their endurance, their motivation, their capacity to endure and make it through a difficult task increased 10%, 20%, 30% every single time and it grew and it grew and it grew and it grew.

And what these scientists were able to ascertain from this test was that motivation, endurance, from a mental capacity perspective ... Motivation, endurance going through a task that you know is difficult but you know you need to or wanna complete. Going through a task, taking yourself to your limit is a great thing, it is a good thing because your endurance, your capacity to endurance is like a muscle. You need to train it and it gets stronger and it gets stronger and it gets stronger.

Those mice that only did it once, they all had an average capacity. Their endurance, their mindset muscle was weak. But those that got put in one time, almost taken to capacity, taken out, put in a second time, almost taken to capacity, time and time again they're able to endurance from a mindset perspective more and more because they were growing and strengthening their mindset muscle. This is very, very important.

James, we got a comment here from James. "Hey CL Smooth." Everyone, guys who seem to think, "What the hell's CL Smooth," obviously my name's Chris, last name's Lynton, CL, and James seems to like to call me CL Smooth, that's my nickname and so ... All good there. He's noted, "Hey CL Smooth, been thinking a lot recently about being happy with what I have vs striving for more and maybe a large topic for this video but interested to hear your thoughts as always, brother."

This is an awesome topic. Guys, first and foremost, moving on from the motivation, the mindset aspect and how it is a muscle and how you need to train it, I'm gonna sum that up. I've taken you through the studies, they related that back to then humans thereafter. But it is very, very obvious that if you do not exercise your motivation, your endurance, your willpower, it will not get stronger. It does not get weaker. It gets stronger. So, when you take yourself through episodes or events of difficult stuff, you are developing yourself personally to be able to go further and further and further again and those who perform have higher capacity to endurance.

Now, jumping onto Jame's comment here. Being happy with what I have versus striving for more. Look, at the end of the day guys, majority of us as human beings are always wanting more, always striving for more and it is, once again one of the books I'm reading at the moment about human psychology, is that it is very difficult ... Let's just say, for example, you have a three bedroom house or three bedroom unit and you move to a three bedroom house. In the first month or so you will be very content, very happy but very shortly humans are able to raise the bar or the homeostasis of where they're at and all a sudden that would be your base level and then to get that next level of happiness you would need to go that one next step further.

Unlimited happiness and happiness for life at certain stages is a thing that we all need to work on. It is a difficult thing to keep because as human beings we're evolved to strive, to want more, to have more security, for us, for our family, to provide, for us, for our family, our friends, our social circle, and also to contribute.

Contribution is a massive, massive part and in terms of your comment here, James ... Now, me personally, there's two aspects to it. Being happy and content and being grateful at every stage of your life is what it really comes down to. Understanding that life's a journey and knowing, on the flip side of that, is if you stay stagnant, if you're not growing, you're dying. There's a very common saying: if you're not growing, you're dying. And that's in personal development, that's in business, that's in everything. If you're not growing, you're dying.

And, in essence what does that mean? If you're not moving forward, if you're not improving, you're moving backwards. Nothing is able to stay stagnant in life. Everything is always evolving and moving and changing and if you try to stay stagnant in an ever evolving forward moving environment, as a result, you go backwards. So, it's not that you're consciously trying to go backwards, it's just that everything else is moving forward while you stay stagnant.

So, there is two parts to it. One, being grateful of what you have where you are in your life is a component of happiness and that's really, really important but what they've found is that humans are happiest when they're solving problems. This is an interesting one. Anyone that's read the book "Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck," you'll understand what I'm talking about. He talks about it a lot. Humans are happiest solving problems and so the question, and he talks about it a lot in his book, the question is not how can I have no problems? It is how can I have better problems?

And by having better problems, every time you come up against adversary and you solve it, you beat it, you feel phenomenal. If you have no problems and you're never trying to grow, it is actually the opposite of trying to be happy, you actually make yourself unhappy. So, evolution, personal growth and contribution are really what comes down human happiness and there's contribution to yourself, to your family, to your social circle, community, and then there's contribution to the world as well and what they talk about is there's kinda different levels of contributing.

First and foremost, most people want to be able to contribute and help themselves and their family and once they're able to do that then they're generally looking to go one circle out from that and that's their social circle, their community, the wider world, the globe, and have a real impact in all of that sorta stuff. But it generally comes in those steps, those phases. Yes, there are some people that might be saying, "Oh, Chris, but I don't care about helping myself, I just wanna help the world." Well, there's psychology around that as well. There's reasoning why some people, and I'm not gonna say this to all people, there's reasoning why some people contribute to charities. It is not because they want to help the charities, it's because how contributing and helping others makes them feel.

So, it is, in essence, a internal aspect no matter what. Whether you're helping external people, it is about how it makes you feel in yourself and that's one of the key drivers to a lot of big charities and when they do their advertising, their marketing, whatever it might be, it's about making the person feel better about themselves because they're helping, they're contributing.

Personal development, always moving forward, going back to the point, James, is really, really important man. If you stay stagnant, no matter if you are sleeping on a bed of $10 million dollars cash, you have jewels all around you, you have the best family in the world, the best wife in the world, if you stay stagnant, sooner or later you will get bored and unhappy as that.

As sad as that sounds, that's how it is. You need to evolve. You need to evolve, you need to continually grow and growing business is one thing. Impact and contribution to the world, to your clients, to getting your reasoning for being on the Earth and impacting lives is where kinda the heart of it is.

Yeah, so, contribution is massive. Personal development is massive. I love a level of competition. I strive and enjoy a level of competition. My competitors, I have love for my competitors. I love to see my competitors doing great. Some people are negative around their competitors, they see a competitor and the slag them off, they get on social media and troll them and get pissed off and think about it all night. I love my competitors, they make me want to be better. I love to compete with them and I love to see them do well and there is no reason why I can't do well and my competitors can do well and if we're all striving to be better than each other, what are we doing? We're making each one of us better.

So, being grateful with where you're at. Understanding it's a journey, at all stages. But at the same time getting around some people that can fire you up, create some internal competition and have respect for them, have love for them, and pat them on the back, give them high fives, cheer them on when they're doing good. Because all that it's gonna do is make you want to become better and then by you then becoming better than them, they will want to become better and it's a self perpetuating circle of improving and having more contribution.

At the same time, you've gotta keep one eye on the present, one eye on the future and that's what it's all about. The eye on the future is the competition, the energy, the drive, the fire in the belly that really juices you up and makes you wanna jump outta bed in the morning. But then the eye on the present is what they talk about, mindfulness, being present, enjoying the journey, being grateful and all that sorta stuff.

So, those two things, if you have one without the other. If you just have competition and you have negativity around that competition, you'll be a negative person and be unhappy. If you try to just be happy with what you've got and stay stagnant, you'll become unhappy because you are not growing. If you're not growing, you're dying. It is a very simple saying but it is so, so true.

Those two aspects, for numerous reasons, from a psychological and evolutionary perspective, are necessities. So, hopefully that makes sense. Christian noted down here, spot on. Great to see that it's resonating with some people and I haven't kinda gone too head in the sky or head in the clouds that doesn't make sense or goes over the top of the head of a couple of people.

Well, anyways, if you've got any questions, guys, comment down below. Hopefully that resonates with you and hopefully if anyone is there thinking, "I'm pretty content," ... Actually, this is an important one before I finish up.

Sometimes, when you're content with where you are, it is mind bullshitting you. You have fear of the next step. You have fear of losing what you've built so far and this is really important, that's why I want to finish on this.

So, to go from level zero to level one takes time, it takes energy, it takes effort, it takes insight, takes coaching, takes a blueprint, a path. I see a lot of people go, "Hey, Chris, I'm at level zero and I wanna get to level 5," and I'm just using numbers as figuratively speaking. And then when they go from level zero to level one, a lot of people sit there and go, "Hmmm, am I really gonna take the next leap from one to two and risk falling back down to zero?" And sometimes it's your mind bullshitting you, saying I'm content, I'm happy, I'm gonna stay at one, even though two months ago I had this realisation that I wanted to go to five, that's my life, that's my passion, that's my reason for being here and I wanna be a good role model for me, my family, my kids, my community, and all of these things.

But at each stage there's the fear of that next level. Whether that's fear of failure or fear of success and the easy way that humans cloud this and protect their ego is come up with the reasoning, "I think I'm pretty happy. I think I'm pretty content."

Asking yourself the right questions, making sure that are you actually, in a reality perspective, content and happy where you are? And if you are, that's cool. But if it is just clouded fear? You need to go to that next level, you need to break through.

I've been reading so many awesome books lately and I've got another example of this how ... Yeah, I could go on all day. I'm not gonna go on all day about it but in essence you need to ask yourself these good questions, you need to try and cut the BS out of ... Everyone has an ego, an inner ego, I mean whether it's a very big ego, a low ego, a middle level ego, ego is not in the negative sense of the term, it is just what everyone has as a personality perspective.

We do a lot of things to protect that ego. We do a lot of things, subconsciously and unaware, to protect that ego. And sometimes we even lie to ourselves to protect our ego. Not saying that's yourself but I'm kinda just saying it as a wider communication aspect and really, really powerful stuff. Really, really important stuff. Asking your question and if anyone saw the video I posted earlier this week, if you haven't, check it out, it's about programming.

When you're born to age seven, you pretty much are built with all your programmes, your computer brain programmes, that run your life, 95% of your life, for the rest of your life. Important video but it can be taken in two ways.

One, thinking about yourself going, "Okay, well I wanna rewire my brain to set myself up to success, not trip myself over or self sabotage," or not be fear of success, fear of failure, whatever it might been ingrained into you when you were younger and that's self development.

But think about your kids. Think about, if you don't have kids, nieces and nephews. Think about the people that are around you that are within that zero to seven year period. What programming are you putting into them? What programming are you putting into them? Are you gonna wanna put into the programming of your children, your community, the young ones, that anything's possible? They can achieve whatever they want, with hard work, with focus and helping lots of people. Or, do you wanna instil the programmes into them that success is too difficult, you shouldn't try, so on and so forth.

So, guys, and this is not relating to yourself, James, or any one, I'm kinda spun off here. But guys, if you haven't checked out that video, check out that video, I posted in the group earlier this week. It is so, so powerful. But I find that most people only think about themselves and think about their programming, how can they restructure their programming?

But also think about the next generation. Is it not the requirements of yourself to cut that circle, that vicious circle, for the next generation? And be the role models for the next generations? It's an important one and I find, watching those videos, it is as important as yourself but it is the flow over to the next generation and the next generation and the next generation that comes after it that is also just as important.

Anyway, that's it from me guys. I could go on for hours, I don't wanna get too spiritual or whatever it might be but hopefully you're all having an awesome week. Guys, if that resonated, if that makes sense, James, if that answered your question, he noted down below here, "Awesome to hear your thoughts, man. Thanks, man."

No problem, whatsoever. Nick, awesome to see you there, too. Have a great day guys. If your watching this after the live and it resonates, comment down below, let me know your thoughts. That's it for me.

Bye for now.

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