
Tribefit Online Personal Trainers Workshop - How Personal Trainers Can Tap into 'Affluent Markets'

Tribefit Online Personal Trainers Workshop - How Personal Trainers Can Tap into 'Affluent Markets'

 - Hey guys, Chris Lynton here from Tribe Fit, and if you're a personal trainer, and you live in areas that are potentially not the most affluent and as a face to face trainer you've had to, you know, suffer or just accept that unfortunately you can't charge the prices that you hear other personal trainers charging. Unfortunately, in the face to face space, the only way to get out of that, the only way to tap into affluent markets is to be able to go online and tap into people that are outside your existing geolocation. 
Whether you're in country areas and there's not enough people or not enough clients. Or alternatively, if you're in areas or countries that aren't as affluent as other markets, the only real way to tap into it is to go online. Yes, there are some personal trainers, and I speak to some face to face trainers who actually have to pack up and leave where they live and try and go and live in an area where it's more affluent, and they can tap into those more affluent clients. 

But these days, with the online format, being able to connect and reach out and work with people at any part of the globe, there is no better time than being able to stay in your local area, live where you would like to live, but still be able to tap into those affluent high paying markets. And in an online format, like I said, I speak to personal trainers who, you know, are either from country areas or areas that aren't as affluent as other areas within the world, and the only way to really tap in and be able to charge those higher prices and be success in that format, is by going online, getting yourself out there, and growing as a format. A lot of people, even when they look to go online, still feel that they can only tap into their city, their country, or whatever it might be. 
And that is not exactly right. Depending on whatever language you speak, obviously, that's kind of the only barrier in regards to reaching out and getting other clients. I spoke this morning with someone that was a Spanish speaking, from Spain. And obviously, the Spanish language is one of the widest languages there are in the world, in regards to the Americas, Europe, and a lot of the other countries throughout the world as well. So, they have the opportunity to tap into any country. English speaking, obviously very easy as well, as well as a number of other languages. But you need to think a little bit outside the square, a little bit outside your personal bubble, and forget. As a face to face trainer, you've been conditioned to think, "Hey, I've gotta accept charging lower prices "cause my area can't afford it," or whatever it might be, "And I hear of Chris talking about the prices "I should be charging as an online coach, "but I just don't see how "that's possible in my local market." 
You need to get online. You need to think outside the square. And you need to think about targeting areas, affluent pockets of markets, and tapping into that. There is literally hundreds of thousands of clients for any given niche, for any coach out there. And there are people hungry and waiting for your services anywhere around the world. So you need to think outside that square, you need to be looking to target your market outside of those, you know, like I said that pocket, and really tapping into those affluent markets. So first and foremost, think about your avatar. Think about your target ideal client, and then think about where you'd like to target these affluent markets, and then find out where they're hanging out online. Find out how to get in contact or in front of them, or get your message, your irresistible marketing message in front of them, whether that's through the three client getting strategies, whether that's through Facebook or Instagram advertising. 
You can be very, very particular about where you put your message, and the type of clients that you attract towards you. Don't think that it's just about putting messages out there and whoever comes in, comes in. You literally can be laser focused, laser targeted about where you want to get your irresistible message, and who you want to drop it in front of. And that's why it is so effective when you know who you want to speak to, you're able to do what we call our scouting activity. Finding where your ideal clients are, hanging out online, and then get your irresistible message and drop it under their eyeballs, so they take action, they come through, and you're able to take advantage of clients anywhere in the world, and tap into those affluent markets. So, if you are a personal trainer, a face to face trainer, and unfortunately to date, you've had to bring back prices. You've heard of other personal trainers charging much higher prices. You might be just as good as that trainer. 

You might even be better than that trainer, but they're able to charge higher prices because they're in a affluent market in a affluent location. Well online personal training allows you to tap into those, take advantage of those, and to be earning what you actually are worth. You need to think about rather than being conditioned of having to charge lower prices, think about your value. Look at other trainers around the world. See what they're charging, and position yourself in regards to how much of an expert you feel you are in comparison to them. And you need to start thinking outside the square. Get out of that conditioning of thinking you have to charge lower prices, and start tapping into those more affluent markets. Like I said first and foremost, pick the ideal type of client that you want and what you would like to charge them. 

Secondly, go through our scouting activities that we talk about a lot in regards to how to find, how to pick the pockets, and kind of get a bit of a gold detector, a gold mine detector. And go through the online format and find out where they're hanging out. Find out where they're hiding. And then it's about the techniques of being able to drop your irresistible message under their eyes, under their noses, make them take action, come through your funnel, be highly qualified before jumping on the court, and then easily converting them into a client thereafter. So like I said, if you are thinking, you know, "I'm a great personal trainer, "I have so much knowledge," "but unfortunately, I can't charge "the right prices of what I should," get online, charge what you're worth, and start taking advantage of the expertise and knowledge that you have. 

The only way to do that is to be able to tap into those markets. And the great thing about these days, is you don't actually have to jump on a plane, move yourself, move your whole family, and live in that actual market. Online allows you to tap into anyone, anywhere around the world. And that's why it's so rapidly growing.

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